Waiting on Stat correction

Waiting on Stat correction
The inspiration to the blog's name

Friday, September 12, 2014

Understanding the Phenomenon of Fantasy Football

If you are one of the 32 million people (according to Forbes) that play fantasy football, you understand the passion for the game. However, a lot of people don't understand the thrill of a "made up" game.

I love fantasy football because it is a way to isolate myself from the real world. The real world can be a cruel place. Its filled with: war, cancer, natural disasters, poverty, and people constantly telling you "no". It may seem silly that a fantasy game can help me but it can. It gives me something to cheer for, something that helps me get through the long hours of work/school, something I share in common with other people and can talk about at the water cooler. It gives me joy. I may lose every game of the season but I lose to my friends and family.

I just started school at the University of Minnesota and I have many fantasy football leagues. While I'm at college, fantasy football is an awesome way for me to keep in contact with my high school friends. I'm not sure how much we will do together now that everyone is doing their own thing and meeting new people, but at least one day out of the year, all 10 of us will get together.  We will gather for our draft remembering all the stupid stuff we did and get a day to make new memories. We will all go back to our normal lives but every week we still have the smack talk board to make fun of each other like we used to.

Everyone wants to be unique and have control. Take a look at Apple. There is a reason they didn't come out with just 2 different color watch bands. People want to have control and be able to personalize stuff to make it reflect them. In fantasy football you get to personalize your roster. You get to draft people because of personal preference, their name, the team they play for or because they are good. You get to decide what you want. You get to come up with your own team name and logo that's different than anyone else. Your team can reflect you. Then you get to control all aspects of your team. There is nobody telling you who you can and cannot play. There is nobody telling you what your name has to be. You are the boss.

I look forward to the start of the season the minute the Super Bowl is over. Nothing is better than beating your high school friends, boss or even your grandpa. Fantasy football may just seem like a silly game but there is a lot more to it.

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